The Benefits of Orthotics & HBOT

Healthy Life Chiropractic offers several great services that can support better holistic health, including chiropractic adjustments and massage therapy. If you’re looking for ways to improve your circulation and feel better overall, custom orthotics and hyperbaric oxygen chamber therapy offer benefits worth exploring. Pair the benefits of orthotics and HBOT with chiropractic and massage, and you’ll be on the way to the best version of yourself. 

The Benefits of Custom Orthotics

Healthy Life Chiropractic is thrilled to carry Foot Levelers products that provide optimal support for your feet. That’s because custom orthotic inserts and footwear are tailored to the shape of your foot, ensuring that you enjoy the full benefits of shock absorption, posture improvement, and general comfort.

Wearing custom orthotics can come in handy around this time of year if you’re planning to take the kids out trick-or-treating. By adding personalized inserts to already comfortable footwear, or by purchasing a customized pair of orthopedically optimized shoes, you’ll enjoy an elevated experience that helps reduce foot pain, shin splits, and low back pain. One of the best benefits of custom orthotics long-term is the ability to improve circulation in your feet, helping you avoid significant health problems. 

The Benefits of Using a Hyperbaric Chamber

Speaking of ways to improve circulation, one of the finest treatments we offer at Healthy Life Chiropractic for that very thing is hyperbaric oxygen therapy. The benefits of climbing into a hyperbaric chamber for regular circulation-boosting treatment include but are not limited to faster healing, more energy, and a stronger immune response. 

HBOT increases oxygen levels in the blood, which can help you with conditions like a herniated disc, Crohn’s disease, and arthritis. Hyperbaric chamber treatment is fast and non-invasive, and you may start noticing the benefits before you leave our offices. And the treatment itself even offers a great opportunity to kick back, unwind, and catch up on some reading. 

Explore the Benefits of Orthotics & HBOT in Healthy Life Chiropractic

The benefits of custom orthotics and hyperbaric oxygen chamber therapy are marvelous on their own. And if you’re looking for more ways to improve your circulation, boost your energy, and build better wellness overall, they work wonderfully with regular chiropractic care and different types of massage therapy. If you’re looking to get started on your wellness journey in Newnan, GA, schedule an appointment at Healthy Life Chiropractic or give us a call at 770-252-3661.