Custom Orthotics for Running

Is foot pain making it hard for you to keep up with your running routine? You may need custom orthotics for running shoes if you suffer pain after a run. Discover how they can prevent running injuries such as plantar fasciitis.

Why You Should Choose Custom Orthotics for Running

Provides Long-Term Relief

Despite being fast, prefabricated orthotics are not as effective as custom orthotics. So while you'll feel some relief immediately, it won't compare to custom orthotics. However, custom orthotics will offer better long-term relief. Unlike over-the-counter orthotics, custom orthotics typically last 1-5 years. This provides long-lasting relief, and your feet will be grateful.

Ensures Quality Product

When choosing orthotics for running shoes, choose inserts that can withstand repeated use. The materials used in flimsy prefabricated orthotics are not durable, and they break down after just a few uses. You are better off investing in custom orthotics that meet your needs completely.

Made to Fit

The plantar vault of the foot is made up of three arches. Prefabricated orthotics cannot account for the uniqueness of each person's foot. Custom orthotics are made based on the profile of your foot because your feet's shape, size, and custom needs are different from anyone else's. With custom orthotics, you can be confident you're receiving the care you need.

Prevents Running Injuries

Custom orthotics might be able to treat any running injuries you may develop and help you get back to your routine.

Plantar Fasciitis

Your foot's heel to toe region has a thick band of tissue that absorbs shock when you walk or run. These tissues can become inflamed, most commonly around the heel. This condition is known as plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is chronic pain in the heel that can occur upon first rising in the morning or after spending extended periods seated. Consider custom orthotics for treating plantar fasciitis. The mechanics of your foot frequently cause plantar fasciitis, and you can benefit from custom foot supports to reduce or eliminate the symptoms.

Achilles Tendonitis

Inflammation or discomfort may develop in the Achilles tendon, which runs from the heel to the calf muscles. Achilles tendonitis may be treated with custom orthotics. Orthotics can reduce heel pain and raise the arches in your feet so that you can avoid future running injuries.

Flat Feet

You may develop problems throughout your body if the arches of your feet are naturally flatter. Joint pains such as the knee, hip, and back can sometimes be traced back to flat feet. Orthotics can be used to raise the arches and alleviate symptoms throughout the body.

Get Orthotics for Running at Healthy Life Chiropractic

Your feet may require some assistance when walking or running becomes difficult. When you use custom orthotics for running, you can prevent running injuries such as plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis. Start your journey to healthy feet and schedule a consultation at Healthy Life Chiropractic today.