Improve Your Emotional Wellness

The physical benefits of massage therapy are well-known, but did you know it can also promote emotional wellness? Massage therapy involves manually manipulating muscles and other specific soft tissues in the body to improve a person's overall health and wellness. Check out some of the emotional wellness benefits of massage therapy.

Improves Relaxation

Massage therapy promotes lasting feelings of relaxation, an elevated mood, and stress reduction. When the body is under stress, it produces an excess of cortisol. Cortisol is a well-known stress hormone that contributes to weight gain, inability to sleep, digestion problems, and headaches. There is evidence that massage therapy reduces cortisol levels in the body. With lower cortisol levels, the body can begin to heal itself. 

Enhances Concentration

Massage therapy relaxes and calms the body, which increases focus and concentration. As a result, the mind is more creative and productive. Improving your concentration can help you handle work, school, or other responsibilities more effectively. Your mind needs to remain relaxed, and massage therapy is a great way to keep your mind active while relaxing and relieving stress.

Promotes Better Sleep

Massage therapy can help with sleep by relieving pain caused by stress or injury. In a vicious cycle, pain and sleep loss can cause one another to worsen. Sleep deprivation can worsen pain, while pain itself can make getting to sleep difficult. Successful pain management may enhance sleep. Studies show that massage therapy can help manage headaches, neck and back pain, arthritis, and pain following surgery. In addition, better sleep can lead to an improvement in your overall emotional wellness.

Increases Happiness

The benefits of massage therapy range from decreasing stress to increasing brain serotonin, and together, these effects may lead to improved overall happiness. Happiness can have a plethora of benefits both for the individual and those around them.

Have you considered massage therapy as a way to improve your overall emotional wellness? If so, schedule an appointment with us at Healthy Life Chiropractic today! We serve patients throughout Newnan, GA and the surrounding areas. We would love the opportunity to show you the many benefits of massage therapy!