How Chiropractic Can Impact Your Health


Whether you are new to chiropractic or have been a patient at Healthy Life Chiropractic for years, it’s always good to have a solid understanding of how chiropractic can benefit your overall health and wellness. Many people are still stuck with the assumption that chiropractic can help with back pain. While our chiropractors can certainly treat back pain, that’s not the only benefit of chiropractic! Here are some of the ways that chiropractic can impact your health.

Increased Neck and Back Health

Chiropractic care is a whole-body approach to healthcare, and is focused primarily on the optimal health and functioning of the central nervous system (CNS). One of the best side effects of this approach is that for many of our patients, overall neck and back health improves.

The hands-on approach used by Dr. Tina McKay and Dr. Rob Stevens removes joint restrictions and dysfunction from the spine. When these restrictions are removed, communication can take place without interruption between the CNS and the rest of the body. This also helps decrease pain and improve mobility. When your CNS is working at its best, your health in its entirety can improve along with it.

Improved Immune System

Many of our patients report that they experience an improved immune system along with increased neck and back health. This is also due to the improvement of the functioning of the CNS. When the spine is without joint dysfunction and restriction, it can work to fight off illness. You may find that with regular chiropractic care, not only are you sick less often, but when you do become ill, you recover faster.

Better Mobility Leads to More Activity

When your joints move freely without restriction and dysfunction, you can enjoy a more active lifestyle. Chiropractic has been found to improve flexibility and range of motion, which can help you feel better and inspire you to be more active. Health experts recommend an average of 150 minutes of moderate exercise each week, and improved mobility with the help of chiropractic care can help you get there.

When you make chiropractic care a part of your regular healthcare routine, you are taking steps to improve your overall health and wellness. Not only are you likely to become sick less often, but your body will function better and you may find yourself inspired to pick up some new activities! If these benefits sound like something you’d like to enjoy, click here to schedule an adjustment.