Is Head Posture to Blame for your Neck Pain?


Have you checked in with yourself to gauge how you feel at the end of the day? Take a moment and think about how you feel. Maybe you are exhausted by the day’s end. Are you suffering from constant neck pain or frequent headaches, and maybe fibromyalgia? Here’s something to consider: your head posture might be to blame.

The Scoop on Forward Head Carriage

When your head is positioned correctly, the opening of the ear should be centered over your shoulder. If your ear opening is off-center and located to the front of your shoulder, you have forward head posture, also known as forward head carriage. It might not seem like much, but for every inch your head is off center, your muscles work overtime and unnecessary weight is exerted upon them. Those muscles of your are already working hard, so you don’t want to put extra stress on them.

Unfortunately, the lifestyle so many of us live is a contributing factor to this condition. Those that have a desk job spend hours hunched over their computers, kids spend more and more time watching TV and playing video games, cell phones are so often seen cradled between the ear and shoulder, and long commute times can all contribute to forward hear posture. If this condition is ignored, it can lead to disc compression and poor health.

Help Yourself!

There are steps you can take to correct forward head posture. Here are some tips:

  • When you spend a long period of time sitting at your desk, be sure to get up and stretch every 45 minutes.

  • Be conscious of how much time you spend watching TV and playing video games and put time limitations on yourself and/or your children.

  • Be aware of your posture and check that you are keeping your head in an upright position and are sitting up straight.

  • Try sleeping on a cervical pillow to maintain the proper curve in your cervical spine.

  • Make regular chiropractic adjustments part of your healthcare routine. Chiropractic care is effective in reducing pain, reversing forward head posture, and preventing further deterioration of the spine.

If you suffer from neck or back pain, headaches, muscle weakness, or fatigue and are concerned about forward head posture, contact us today for a consultation.