Natural Supplements for Better Sleep

Are you having trouble getting the rest you need to get results during the day? There are several steps you can take to make sure you regularly get a full night’s sleep, including minimizing late-night screen time and creating a better pre-bedtime routine. But if you’re still struggling, there are natural supplements that can be a huge help. Standard Process is a leading provider of natural supplements for better sleep, including popular products like Kava Forte

4 Great Natural Supplements for Better Sleep

Kava Forte

If you’re feeling stressed, sleep can be hard to come by. Kava Forte is one of the most popular Standard Process supplements for better sleep because it helps you relax through the power of the kava root. The benefits of Kava Forte include calmer nerves and short-term anxiety relief. Minimizing emotional stress and having a greater sense of calm adds up to what you need for a full night’s sleep.

Valerian Complex

Standard Process recommends taking Valerian Complex in conjunction with Kava Forte for maximum results, but it stands on its own merits as one of the finest natural supplements out there. This product contains valerian root, jujube seed, and passionflower, which work in harmony to promote better relaxation and less stress. One of its biggest benefits is providing relief from sleeplessness, making it easier to bed down and get the rest you deserve. 


Min-Tran® has been an essential part of the Standard Process product portfolio since 1960, and patients love it for its ability to improve mood. Min-Tran® contains calcium and iodine, which are beneficial for nervous system support. It’s also a great source of magnesium, which has been shown to improve sleep homeostasis. What’s more, magnesium can help regulate your stress response to help you keep your fight-or-flight reactions in check

E-Z Mg™

If you’re looking to increase your magnesium intake, E-Z Mg™ is one of the best natural supplements you can get. Because of the positive impact that magnesium has on your body’s sleep pathways, it’s also among the best supplements for better sleep. Reformulated in 2021, E-Z Mg™ contains organic magnesium derived from plants and offers added benefits including high quantities of iron and vitamin K1. 

Standard Process Natural Supplements in Newnan, GA

Taking proven, natural supplements for better sleep is a sure way to get back into a rhythm after the recent time change. If you’re looking to purchase Standard Process supplements or explore the benefits of chiropractic treatment, massage, and more, Healthy Life Chiropractic is here to help. Schedule an appointment and visit us in Newnan, GA, to start working toward better sleep today.