New To Chiropractic?


Perhaps you’ve been suffering from constant, nagging pain or you’re dealing with troubling sciatica pain – maybe you’re just looking for a way to improve your health and wellness. Regardless, you’ve finally decided to give chiropractic care a try at Healthy Life Chiropractic!

Anything unfamiliar or unknown can be scary, chiropractic included. You may have done some browsing online where you’ve heard amazing success stories or of some not-so-great experience. If you’ve never been to a chiropractor, it can difficult to distinguish fact from fiction. Before you head to our Newnan, GA chiropractic practice, you can calm your nerves by learning a bit more about what to expect.


Whether or not you receive an adjustment on your initial visit will most likely depend on your condition. We can be sure, however, that our doctors will give you a thorough and complete new patient examination. We’ll ask questions to better understand your issues such as how severe your pain is, where your pain is located, if you have any other symptoms, etc. These questions help our chiropractors understand the cause and severity of your personal condition. They may also take a physical look and feel of your spine.


If you do get an adjustment during your first visit, expect a quick, painless, and often relaxing procedure. Our chiropractors may pull, push, or twist a section of your body to realign any misalignments along the spine. Many of our patients report feeling relief in as little as one adjustment, but this is dependent upon the individual, their condition, and its severity.


One of the most common questions we hear from first-time chiropractic patients is regarding pain. Is the adjustment going to hurt?! It most cases, it doesn’t hurt at all. Because you aren’t used to someone moving your body in a certain way, you may feel a bit awkward at first, but many find chiropractic adjustment to be relaxing and stress relieving.

What Does Chiropractic Treat?

Many people are under the common misconception that chiropractors are only for treating neck and/or back pain. While these are great reasons to see us for an adjustment, they aren’t the only reasons. Poor digestion, sore muscles, headaches, and aching joints are all common reasons to come in for an adjustment. So, if you’re wondering whether or not we can help, click here to contact us and see how chiropractic can benefit you!