What Are Orthotics & Can They Help?

You probably don't think about your feet when you think of the chiropractor. Yet many of our patients ask us, "what are orthotics?". Wearing poorly fitting shoes and not aligning your feet correctly will cause your body unnecessary strain. Learn how orthotics, also known as shoe inserts,  treat and prevent far more than just foot pain.

What Are Orthotics?

Orthotics are inserts put inside your shoes to relieve foot pain, improve posture, and restore natural foot function. As shoe inserts, orthotics are intended to correct improper foot posture and walking patterns. However, they are so much more than your typical shoe cushions and arch supports you'd find at a store. This is because orthotics, like the Foot Levelers we offer at our practice, alter the angle at which the foot strikes the ground to make everyday activities more comfortable.

How Do Orthotics Help With More Than Just Foot Pain?

An orthotic is a support or shoe insert worn to correct the alignment of the foot's joints. A properly aligned foot improves foot function, promotes healing, and relieves pain. As a result, you will feel better and be able to perform at your best. Orthotics are usually molded and custom-made for each patient to fit their unique needs.

Healthy Life Chiropractic Can Help With Orthotics

Chiropractic doctors often prescribe custom orthotics to help correct joint problems. These orthotics are very effective in combination with regular chiropractic treatment. The chiropractors at Healthy Life Chiropractic are trained to fit orthotics to help patients. By using orthotics, we can help determine whether they are beneficial for your unique condition and in some cases, we can help treat issues throughout the entire body.

Customized Orthotics at Your Local Newnan, GA Chiropractor

If you are experiencing foot pain, customized orthotics may be for you. These customized shoe inserts align your ankles and feet while restoring the natural function of your feet. If you have questions or concerns about orthotics, Healthy Life Chiropractic can assist you. Click here to contact us and learn more about what orthotics are.