How Massage Decreases Chemical Stress

You know the effects of stress can severely hinder your motivation, focus, and mood. But did you know that stress is as much caused by things happening inside your body as it is by outside stimuli? One of the benefits of massage is chemical stress management, which can help reduce your anxiety symptoms and keep you feeling better even after a hard day at the office. 

What is Chemical Stress? 

There are two kinds of chemical stress that occur in the body—it just so happens that massage can help with both. There’s the physical kind of chemical stress that occurs from overusing or injuring muscle and tissue. When this happens, your body produces chemicals like histamine, which make you cognizant of pain. 

You can also feel stressed without physical exertion, which can happen when you’re facing a tight deadline, are stuck in stop-and-go traffic, or are dealing with family issues. In these situations, your body releases hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. This can lead to physical anxiety symptoms like trouble breathing, headaches, chest pain, and even muscle aches. 

Massage Helps You Manage Stress

One of the primary benefits of massage is soothing your muscles and releasing tension in the body. A trained massage therapist can help your body release good chemicals like serotonin and glucose while reducing your cortisol and adrenaline levels. This means that your body is undergoing positive chemical reactions in addition to receiving the benefits that come from physically removing tension from the muscles. 

Regular massage can lead to greater feelings of calmness, decreasing your anxiety symptoms and allowing your body to rest. This has rolling benefits, including better sleep, more productivity at work, and a general sense of relaxation. Feeling better and more rested can help you keep stress at bay, and pairing those feelings with continued visits to a massage therapist keeps that ball of positivity rolling. 

Massage Therapy for Stress in Newnan, GA

Massage is handy for managing chemical stress and minimizing anxiety symptoms. It’s also a great way to practice self-care and feel more relaxed in your day-to-day life. Schedule an appointment at Healthy Life Chiropractic in Newnan, GA, and we’ll get you started on a healthy new habit that makes a difference you can feel.