The Benefits of Massage for Relaxation

For many, a visit to the spa equates to an overall experience of calm and relaxation. Well, why not enjoy that same feeling when at the chiropractor? When combined, chiropractic care and massage therapy produce more benefits than they do alone. While massage therapy reduces pressure and loosens tendons and muscles, chiropractic improves function by treating pain and improving range of motion. Here’s how massage therapy can help promote relaxation and why it's important for your health.

What is Massage Therapy?

In massage therapy, a certified, trained medical professional known as a massage therapist manipulates the soft tissues of the body using varying degrees of movement and pressure.

Studies show that massage offers many benefits including:

  • Lessened pain and muscle tension

  • Lowered stress hormones

  • Increased joint flexibility

  • Improved immune function

  • Reduced stress

  • Better circulation

  • Increased relaxation

Everyone enjoys feeling relaxed but beyond improving general mood, relaxation can also improve physical wellness.

Massage Therapy for Relaxation & Reduced Muscle Tension

Stress isn’t just a mental issue; it can cause physical harm to the body. Sudden or prolonged periods of stress can lead to pain and muscle tension. When stress levels are high, the brain signals the nerves to go into a protection mode, causing muscles to tighten. This results in a physically tired, tense, and uncomfortable body. 

Massage therapy encourages the body to loosen up and take a mental break while a massage therapist, through muscle manipulation, works out knots in muscles and gently stretches the body. This mental and physical relaxation reduces stress and anxiety, lowers blood pressure, and improves sleep. With regular massage therapy, patients enjoy reduced muscle tension, a relaxed body and mind, and improved wellness.

Where Can You Find Massage Therapy?

Healthy Life Chiropractic is well-known for serving the Newnan community for its chiropractic needs, but did you know massage therapy services are also provided? Getting a massage is an excellent way to loosen up and reduce stress. When combined with chiropractic care, the two provide the benefit of measurable, lasting effects. To learn more about how massage therapy and chiropractic can benefit you and your family, click here to contact us.