Conquer Cold Season with HBOT

Late fall and winter are always challenging times for staying healthy—and especially so in recent years. The common cold is still a common threat, and it can take you out of the game over the holidays. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can give your immune system the extra boost you need to make it through cold season unscathed

What is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) may seem like a treatment out of science fiction, but it’s very real and provides very real benefits. With HBOT, you’ll climb into a chamber that is pressured with 100% oxygen. All you have to do is lie there and breathe. Your body will absorb oxygen to a greater extent than it does when you breathe regular air, which has all sorts of unique benefits. 

HBOT for Cold Season and More

There are many perks of undergoing hyperbaric oxygen therapy, but it’s especially beneficial during cold season. At this point in the year, your body’s immune system has its hands full fighting off germs. HBOT essentially recharges your immune system, empowering it to fend off the more than 200 viruses that can cause a cold. 

HBOT can help you avoid and recover from the cold, but its advantages don’t stop there. Hyperbaric oxygen treatment has also been proven effective at treating the symptoms of chronic conditions like Chron’s disease, arthritis, and diabetes. Treatment promotes better cellular healing and increases energy levels, which can help you lead a more active lifestyle no matter the time of year. 

Learn About HBOT at Healthy Life Chiropractic

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a wonderful tool that you can use on your path to better health and wellness. Healthy Life Chiropractic is happy to help you get started on that journey in Newnan, GA. Call us at (770) 252-3661 or schedule an appointment online to learn more about what HBOT can do for you during cold season and beyond.