Hip Pain and Chiropractic


For patients first coming to a chiropractor, hip pain is a pretty common ailment. Your hip pain can be caused by many different things, and chiropractic can help, but so can awareness of what is causing that pain. Here's what you need to know:


Fractures in your leg bones, spraining the ligaments surrounding your joints, or straining the muscles surrounding your low back are often causes of hip pain. Sprains and strains to your ankles, knees, and low back will also likely lead to hip pain. 


You sacroiliac joint, which is at the base of the spine, is where your sacrum and pelvis meet. This joint is crucial to the alignment of your spine, and if misaligned, it can lead to severe low back and hip pain. 


You might know someone who says one of their legs is shorter than the other. Though this is usually not the root of the problem, misalignments can actually lead to one leg functioning as if it is shorter than the other. This leads to hip pain among other pain, which chiropractic care can easily correct.


Osteoarthritis usually shows itself with joint pain. It is a result of the wear and tear done to your body over time. Typically, people who struggle with weight issues are more prone to osteoarthritis due to increased stressed on their joints. 


There are many different steroids out there that are recommended for long-term pain relief, but a side effect is that they can degenerate your joints. Typically, steroids also reduce your ability to absorb calcium, which increases the risk of osteoporosis.

You may have noticed something most of these causes of hip pain have in common: they can almost all be corrected with chiropractic care! If you have hip pain, no matter the cause, schedule an appointment with us. We'll help determine the cause and find a solution!