Can Kennedy Decompression Help You?

Chiropractic care is an excellent way to manage acute and chronic pain without medication. There are multiple adjustment techniques that your chiropractor can recommend, including the Kennedy Decompression Technique. This form of spiral decompression therapy has been proven effective against back and neck pain and is practiced by thousands of chiropractors the world over—including Healthy Life Chiropractic in Newnan, GA. 

What is the Kennedy Decompression Technique? 

The Kennedy Decompression Technique, or KDT, was created by Dr. Jay Kennedy as a means of helping patients relieve and manage pain. KDT is a form of spinal decompression that relies on traction to address issues including radiating pain and headaches. Focusing on decompressing the spine helps alleviate debilitating issues like herniated and degenerative discs, giving patients the freedom to be more active and engaged. 

Is the Kennedy Decompression Technique Right for You? 

The Kennedy Decompression Technique is particularly effective against severe back and spinal issues. If you suffer from sciatica or carpal tunnel syndrome, KDT treatment may help delay or even avoid surgery by naturally relieving pain. By addressing the persistent, exhausting pain caused by these and other health problems, the Kennedy Decompression Technique helps patients enjoy more of their time free from stress and pain. 

How Does KDT Work? 

The Kennedy Decompression Technique is a more intensive spinal decompression treatment. Depending on your situation, you may have upwards of four sessions per week, each averaging around 10 minutes. Between and beyond treatments, your chiropractor will recommend lifestyle adjustments to improve wellness and maximize the effectiveness of KDT. 

Visit Healthy Life Chiropractic in Newnan, GA

Chiropractic care is a helpful tool for staying ahead of the hurt you’re feeling. With regular visits to Healthy Life Chiropractic in Newnan, GA, you can feel better today, tomorrow, and well into your pain-free future. Schedule an appointment and we’ll go over your treatment options and how you can start feeling better now.