Synthetic vs. Whole Food Supplements

Taking vitamins is a great way to make sure your body is getting essential nutrients. But not all vitamins are created equal—quite literally. There are key differences between synthetic vs. whole food supplements that may make the latter the smarter, sounder choice. 

What are Synthetic Vitamins and Nutrients? 

If something is synthetic, it means that it’s created by an industrial process to replicate something else. Synthetic vitamins and supplements do not contain any naturally occurring nutrients. Rather, the contents are chemically engineered to match the nutrients you find in whole foods. 

What are Whole Food Supplements?

Whereas synthetic vitamins are artificially created by a process, whole food supplements come directly from real, healthy food sources. If you take a whole food supplement containing vitamin c, the nutrients come directly from fruit extracts. Essentially, these are the same nutrients that you get when you eat fruit, vegetables, and other organic foods. They’re merely concentrated into a supplement form to help you optimize your health. 

Synthetic vs. Whole Food Supplements: What’s the Difference? 

Although they’re created in different ways, synthetic and whole food supplements largely perform the same function. Taken as recommended, vitamins and supplements can help your body recover and stay healthy, which can be a big help for your immune system during back-to-school season

There are differences, however, that can make whole food vitamins a better option. Most notably, your body more easily recognizes naturally occurring nutrients found in whole food supplements because it’s what it’s used to using, not an imitation. What’s more, studies show that some synthetic vitamins aren’t as absorbable or usable as what you find in whole food supplements. 

Another issue is quality. Synthetic vitamins are made cheaply so that they can be sold at a lower price point. This isn’t an issue with whole food vitamins because they’re derived from real food sources. While whole food supplements may command a higher price, you’re paying for a better guarantee of quality and effectiveness. And if there’s one thing you don’t want to cut corners on, it’s taking care of yourself. 

Take Care of Yourself with Regular Chiropractic 

In addition to good lifestyle choices on a daily basis, regular chiropractic care is a great way to stay healthy and happy. Healthy Life Chiropractic in Newman, GA, has you covered for everything from adjustments to massage to cold laser therapy. Request an appointment today and we’ll get you on the way to living your healthiest life.