Chiropractic's 5 Pillars of Health

You can't achieve real health from the outside in. You have to do it from the inside out! Our chiropractors and massage therapists are not healing you during an adjustment or a massage. Instead, your body is healing itself. Our job is to remove barriers to healing so your body can heal. Wellness is about self-development, mindfulness, and living by healthy principles. To help you understand this process, Healthy Life Chiropractic uses five pillars of health that we believe to be the key ingredients to achieving optimal wellness and spinal health.

The 5 Pillars of Health:

1. Nutrition

Nutrition can be the medicine you are missing! You should try to buy fresh, local, and good-quality ingredients. Ingredients closest to their source are usually the healthiest since they have not been frozen or shipped. Include a variety of different types of food in your diet, and aim for at least seven servings of fruits and vegetables daily! Maintaining proper hydration is also crucial, so drink plenty of water throughout the day.

2. Exercise

Exercise doesn't have to involve several hours of strenuous activity every day. Start with small habits like walking for thirty minutes daily and then progress to strength training three times a week. Another important factor of exercise is maintaining flexibility and mobility. This can be done by stretching for a few minutes before and after sleep.

3. Social Health

Physical and social health are equally important. If you can, try to meet with friends and family at least once a week. Socializing helps us cope with the daily stress we face. It is also important to take some time to enjoy your favorite hobbies.

4. Sleep

Sleep is crucial for your body to rest and prepare for the day ahead. If you have trouble sleeping, try to determine what's causing it. For example, you might need to change your eating habits or get treatment for untreated pain. There are many ways to improve your sleep: consulting a specialist like a chiropractor, turning off the television an hour before bed, or upgrading your bedding. For your body to heal, you need to sleep.

5. Mental Health

To maintain good health and overall wellness, you must take care of your mental health. There is no all-encompassing cure, but people often find some general techniques helpful. Some helpful tips: practice meditation and proper breathing, maintain a balance between work and home life and do not try to influence beyond your scope of control.

Achieve Optimal Wellness With Healthy Life Chiropractic

Recently, chiropractic has seen an increase in popularity. This holistic form of healthcare is becoming increasingly popular, and people are finding that they receive quality treatment and enjoy many benefits to their overall wellness. For more information on these benefits of chiropractic care, visit your local Newnan, GA chiropractor. Here at Healthy Life Chiropractic, we can help improve your spinal health and walk you through the five pillars of health so you can enjoy overall wellness. Schedule a consultation today!