Holiday Stress Survival Kit

It is no secret that the holiday season can be a stressful time for everyone. Despite so many reasons to be grateful, it is easy to become overwhelmed with everything and neglect your health. Don't let holiday stress get to you! Take a look at our Thanksgiving survival kit that will help promote gut health and provide stress relief.

Thanksgiving Gut Health Survival Kit

You've certainly felt the gut-to-brain connection if you've ever had "butterflies" or were stressed to the point of your stomach hurting. Your stomach and digestive system are intimately connected to your brain and nervous system, and even the thought of food can activate them. These systems are constantly communicating with each other. Therefore, stress can cause stomach pain, and your stomach pain can cause stress. So we have put together a few of our favorite Standard Process supplements that will not only support your gut health but also provide stress relief.

Drenamin® — is a supplement for adrenal support. It helps maintain emotional balance by promoting healthy adrenal gland function. Vitamin C, Riboflavin, Niacin, and Vitamin B6 are the main vitamins and minerals in Drenamin. As a natural stress reliever, it improves the body's resistance to illnesses, allergies, and fatigue.

Catalyn® — a whole food multi-supplement that contains a rich complex of vitamins, minerals, and essential amino acids. Because it is a whole food multi-supplement, it is 100% bioavailable and absorbable. As a result, you receive dozens of nutrients per whole food combined in a perfect blend to provide your body with the premium nutrients it needs for optimal, healthy functioning.

Zypan® — a digestive aid that helps maintain gut health and immunity. With HCL acid and digestive enzymes, this supplement helps to support healthy digestion. It is one of the best supplements for alleviating acid reflux and aiding digestion of the food in the stomach to pass through the small intestine without causing gut damage. Additionally, Zypan can help with heartburn, indigestion, bloating, gas, autoimmune diseases and issues, and travel-related digestive problems.

A happy, healthy gut equals a happy, healthy brain! Since Standard Process Supplements are only available with a recommendation, schedule a nutritional consultation to get your Thanksgiving Survival Kit for holiday stress relief. If you have any other questions about how you can maintain your gut health, contact Healthy Life Chiropractic today!