The Scary Health Effects of Sugar

Halloween is just around the corner, and that can only mean one thing: leftover treats after all the trick-or-treaters have gone home. Whether it’s those king-sized candy bars that make you the top spot for ghouls and goblins in your neighborhood or all the Thanksgiving desserts to come, October is a great time to start thinking about healthy eating habits. Once you consider some of the truly frightful health effects of sugar, you’ll have even more reasons to want to decrease sugar intake. 

4 Scary Health Effects of Sugar

1. Addictive Qualities

We love sugary snacks because it helps the brain release dopamine, which creates sensations of pleasure. The reason it can be so tough to decrease sugar intake is that your brain craves this feeling, especially in times of stress. This is where the idea of eating your feelings comes from. 

2. Quick Crash 

Coupled with that release of dopamine is the rush of energy you feel after you down a sugary energy drink or finish a tasty candy bar. But the spike in energy is followed by a just as sudden plummet in energy, which can leave you feeling sapped and fatigued. The fluctuations in blood glucose that come from eating too much sugar can also have outward effects, including changes in mood and depression. 

3. Impacts Oral Health

Halloween is the natural enemy of dentists for good reason: One of the most prevalent health effects of sugar is the damage it can do to teeth and gums. Even with regular brushing and flossing, a high-sugar diet increases your risk of tooth decay and gum disease. This won’t just hurt your smile—it can impact your overall health and leave you with costly dental bills. 

4. Unwanted Weight Gain

Weight gain is probably one of the best-known negative health effects of sugar. While the occasional sugary indulgence shouldn’t cause too much harm, regular overeating and high sugar intake will add on the pounds quickly. Eating too much sugar leads to obesity, which can in turn create other issues including diabetes and chronic joint pain. 

Start a Healthy New Lifestyle in Newnan, GA

Adopting healthy eating habits today can leave you feeling healthier and more energetic over the holiday season. But there are many more steps you can take to boost your wellness and feel better more often. Healthy Life Chiropractic offers services like chiropractic adjustments, massage, and cold laser therapy that can help you feel your best. Contact our office in Newnan, GA, and treat yourself to an appointment that can change your life for the better.