Start the Summer Strong with Chiropractic Care

Summer is officially here. Warm temperatures, trips to the beach or lake, and long days soaking it all in. This summer is probably different than what you imagined at the beginning of the year, but we can’t help but be excited by the fun ahead – late nights watching movies, fun-filled days, and best of all – no school work! As much fun as summer is, it can also be trouble for some people. If your body isn’t ready for the increase in activity and movement that comes during summer, it could lead to some painful problems. To make sure you start the summer strong and have an enjoyable season, start with chiropractic care.

Summer is the Time for Activity

Summer is simply an active time of year. The weather is perfect for outdoor activities – whether it’s playing sports or enjoying a family vacation, we tend to be much more active during the summer. This is great for overall health and wellness, but can result in injury and pain for people who aren’t used to the increased movement. This is where the chiropractors at Healthy Life Chiropractic come in! Dr. Tina McKay and Dr. Rob Stevens can help ease pain in the back and neck by reducing and removing restrictions of the vertebrae of the spine and returning the spine to its proper alignment. This reduces pain and makes activity and movement much easier and more enjoyable.

Summer is the Time for Self-Care

For some people, time spend social-distancing has included plenty of self-care. For others, its gone completely to the wayside. As summer has started, it means even more time for ourselves. Kids don’t have school responsibilities and are out of most activities, so there is less hustling around. The days are longer and the nights are more open, making summer the perfect time to move self-care up your priority list. Not sure where to start? Try chiropractic! Some positive effects our patients report include better sleep, more energy, less stress, and an improved immune system – which is particularly important as COVID-19 continues to spread.  What better way to start your summer than with a boost to your physical and mental health?

Find Quality Care at Healthy Life Chiropractic

If you live in the Newnan, GA area and would like to add chiropractic care to your summer healthcare routine, come see us at Healthy Life Chiropractic. Our chiropractors have years of experience in providing excellent chiropractic care and will ensure your experience is enjoyable and stress-free. Summer is a great time to prioritize your health and chiropractic can help you on your journey. To schedule an adjustment, click here!