Staying Home and Staying Active


Many businesses are reopening, but health experts recommend we continue to practice social distancing. After weeks and weeks practicing social distancing, it can start to take a toll on your mental and physical well-being. When you don’t have your normal activity outlets, your activity levels can diminish. Here are our tips to help you stay active while staying home.

How Much Activity Do You Need?

Experts recommend approximately 150 minutes of moderate exercise each week. If you are doing intense training, you can leave it at 75 minutes. Most of us may find just getting up out of bed and changing clothes to be an accomplishment right now, so don’t put too much pressure on yourself. If you can manage a little over two hours each week – that’s great! If not, cut yourself a little slack as we deal with the stress of social distancing.

Instead, you could try focusing on simply incorporating more movement into your daily life. Any activity is better than no activity and movement can provide health benefits that your favorite Netflix series can’t.

Spend Less Time Sitting

One simple step to help you get more movement is to sit less. Sitting too much can have serious negative effects on your overall health and wellness. You can combat that by getting up at least once per hour, whether you’re watching your favorite TV show or working from home. Taking just a few minutes to walk around your house, play with your pet, or run around with your kid doesn’t require much effort and can help you get more movement in your day.

Take the Stairs

If you have stairs in your condo or apartment building, now is the time to put them to use! Climbing stairs is an effective cardiovascular exercise and can help you maintain your fitness levels. Skip the elevator and take the stairs because even one minute of climbing at a fast pace can make a difference.

Just Dance!

Most of us couldn’t have predicted the state of the world, and it can be overwhelming. Movement is a great way to improve how you feel both physically and mentally, so why not make it fun? Turn up your favorite tunes and have a dance party. Dancing can be great exercise and gets your heart rate up. Add in the boost of endorphins your body releases while dancing and you can’t deny it will make you feel great (or at least laughing in the mirror). This is also a fun way to bond with family members in your house or even virtually.

Move for Your Health

During stressful times, it’s not necessary to put added pressure on yourself to increase your activity levels, but it is important that you keep your health a top priority especially now. For more information on how chiropractic care can help you stay healthy, click here to contact us and keep up with your chiropractic appointments with your local Newnan, GA chiropractors!