Can Chiropractic Help You Lose Weight?

If you’ve been talking about New Year’s Resolutions, you’ve probably heard others saying (or said yourself) that a weight loss regimen is at the top of the list. Just do a quick Google search, and you’ll likely find that weight loss is one of the top New Year’s Resolutions. You probably are already aware that losing weight isn’t one of the easiest things in the world, and chiropractic may be able to help.

Holiday Travel Tips & Tricks

If you’ve ever traveled during the holidays, you know it can be complicated, stressful, and frustrating. As if traveling isn’t already challenging enough, add that you are doing it at one of the busiest times of the year. If you suffer from back or neck pain, your travels will be particularly brutal. Body pain and traveling can affect your mood, putting you in a negative state of mind before you even get to your destination, and interrupting your family fun. Here are our tips to avoid back pain while traveling this holiday season.

Need An Energy Boost?

Doesn’t it always seem that your energy levels are lower during the holiday season? Whether it is from traveling, running from holiday party to holiday party, or exhaustion from added stress at work, this time of year can be just as grueling as it is enjoyable. Most people spend their days feeling tired and rundown and just don’t have enough energy. If you are in need of an energy boost, chiropractic care might be your solution.

Essential Oil Benefits: Lavender

If you’ve been following our blogs, you know we are big fans of essential oils. Essential oils can be used to to give relief to a number of symptoms from headaches to stomachaches. Perhaps one of the most popular essential oils used is lavender. Lavender has been around for centuries and has been used to treat many issues naturally. Here are five benefits to adding lavender to your routine.

Beat Low Back Pain!

If you have ever suffered from recurring low back pain, you know that things could be just fine and then all of a sudden, you are feeling that pain once again. You might even end up stuck on the couch with an ice pack, unable to move. We’ve heard of this scenario time and time again. There are some measures you can take to prevent this from happening, and here are our tips.

Have a Healthy Halloween!

Halloween is here, which means carving pumpkins, scary movies, and of course lots of tricks and treats. While we all love delicious goodies, we don’t necessarily love how they make us feel or the weight we might gain. As we gear up for the holiday season, weight gain is incredibly common…and frustrating. We’ve put together some tips on how to enjoy a healthy Halloween!

Foam Rolling 101

If you are involved with massage or fitness, you’ve probably heard of foam rollers before. Maybe you’ve even tried them out yourself, but are still perplexed as to why so many people use this device. What is the big deal about a cylinder of foam? There are a lot of questions out there about foam rollers, and we are here to help clear up any confusion and share why you should be foam rolling.

Backpacking and Chiropractic Care

Fall is in full swing and that means cooler weather for camping trips. Camping means pitching a tent, making s’mores, and sleeping under the stars, but you don’t need to be an Eagle Scout to know there’s more to it than that. Besides preparing for your trip with food supplies and a first aid kit, you can prepare your body. Here are our tips.

Let's Talk TENS

Part of what makes chiropractic care unique is the focus on spinal adjustments, but they aren’t the only form of treatment that we use to manage our patient’s care. We provide our patients with natural, non-invasive, drug-free forms of therapy that use heat, cold, light, massage water, and exercise. When done in a controlled environment, these and other elements have a beneficial influence on the body and its functions and can help with a number of problems. One of the types of therapy we use is electrical stimulation. Here’s what you need to know.

Chiropractic for Kids!

At Healthy Life Chiropractic, we believe a healthy spine is the foundation for a healthy life, and that is true for your whole family, including your kids! You might think that chiropractic care isn’t needed unless you’re suffering from back pain, but starting your kids with preventative care early in life will set them up for a lifetime of health and well-being!

Heat or Ice?

At Healthy Life Chiropractic, our goal is to do more than treat your neck and back pain. We want to help you reach optimal health, and while we can provide you with treatment and guidance, knowing how to take care of yourself is a large part of reaching your health goals. Part of that self-care includes at-home treatments, like hot and cold therapy. Whether you are hurting after an intense workout or are suffering from an overuse injury, we have the answers to your hot and cold therapy questions.

Avoid Overuse Injuries

If you’ve been receiving chiropractic care regularly, you already know just how important core and upper body strength is for your posture. When you have a strong core, you’ve got the ideal support system for a healthy spine. To maintain that strength, you need to be on the lookout for injuries from overuse. Here are our tips for avoiding them.